Jason Gilbert: Knowledge, Experience, Tenacity, Dedication.

If you are charged with a criminal offence, you will want a criminal defence lawyer who will vigorously defend you, and who will leave no stone unturned. You will want a criminal defence lawyer who is both experienced and well respected. You will want a criminal defence lawyer who has been practicing in Ottawa and its surrounding areas since 2002, and who knows how to navigate the criminal justice system. Jason Gilbert is that lawyer.
If you are a parent involved in a child protection proceeding and facing a court application by the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CAS), you will want a lawyer who will give you attention, care and thorough representation. Jason Gilbert is that lawyer.
Jason has been practicing law in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario since 2002. He is one of four founding partners of the law firm Addelman Baum Gilbert LLP. The firm was established by Jason and his partners in 2010 and now employs three associate lawyers and several staff members.
Jason obtained his law degree from Queen’s University in 2000 and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in journalism and political science from Concordia University in 1997. Jason credits his journalism background with helping him hone his investigative skills, and with contributing significantly to his skills as an effective cross-examiner in court.
If you are charged with a criminal offence, you will want a criminal defence lawyer who will vigorously defend you, and who will leave no stone unturned. You will want a criminal defence lawyer who is both experienced and well respected. You will want a criminal defence lawyer who has been practicing in Ottawa and its surrounding areas since 2002, and who knows how to navigate the criminal justice system. Jason Gilbert is that lawyer.
If you are a parent involved in a child protection proceeding and facing a court application by the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CAS), you will want a lawyer who will give you attention, care and thorough representation. Jason Gilbert is that lawyer.
Jason has been practicing law in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario since 2002. He is one of four founding partners of the law firm Addelman Baum Gilbert LLP. The firm was established by Jason and his partners in 2010 and now employs three associate lawyers and several staff members.
Jason obtained his law degree from Queen’s University in 2000 and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in journalism and political science from Concordia University in 1997. Jason credits his journalism background with helping him hone his investigative skills, and with contributing significantly to his skills as an effective cross-examiner in court.
Jason is first and foremost a trial lawyer, litigating cases in both the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice, before both judge and jury.
Jason represents clients charged with any and all criminal offences, including impaired driving charges, drug charges, domestic assault, murder, homicide, sexual offences, theft, fraud, etc.
Jason frequently represents clients in very complex and lengthy proceedings such as Dangerous and Long Term Offender hearings, and has done appellate work at the Ontario Court of Appeal in Toronto.
Jason’s clients know that his fees and fee structure are highly competitive and very reasonable. Jason is always willing to work out individually-structured payment plans that clients can manage. In addition, Jason has always represented clients who qualify for coverage under Ontario’s Legal Aid plan.
Since 2015, Jason has been a regular guest columnist for the Ottawa Sun, contributing opinion pieces on different issues related to the criminal justice system. He is a regular guest lecturer in Carleton University law and criminology classes. In 2013, Jason hosted the talk show “Ottawa Experts: Criminal Justice Edition” on Rogers TV.
Jason Gilbert knows that law enforcement and child protection agencies work around the clock.
He does too.
Jason can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Defending ALL criminal charges, including:
Impaired driving, Domestic assault, Drug offences, Theft,
fraud, robbery, Young offender charges, Firearms charges,
Sexual offences, Murder, Homicide, Terrorism, Human Trafficking charges, etc.

We have entered an era where allegations of sexual misconduct and impropriety have taken on an entirely new significance. Some have even suggested that evidence in such cases should receive special treatment in court. Jason will defend you and your reputation fiercely and tirelessly against such allegations.

When a young person is charged criminally it is often as stressful and worrisome for parents as it is for the youth involved. As a parent, Jason understands that, and works with the family unit. But Jason’s primary obligation is to his client, the youth charged.

These can be among the most emotionally stressful charges to deal with, but are unfortunately among the most common in our criminal justice system. If charged with an offence of this nature, you will have conditions that will prohibit you from returning to your family home and from communicating with your partner and possibly even your children. Jason’s experience as both a criminal lawyer and a lawyer who deals with C.A.S. matters ensures you are getting the best advice on how to deal with these delicate and emotionally-charged situations.

Defending parents involved with the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa: Applications for supervision orders, Applications for Society wardship, Applications for Crown wardship, Status Review proceedings and Advice on Voluntary Services Agreements.

A person can be charged with driving while impaired by alcohol or a drug. There are minimum penalties for these offences that involve mandatory jail time for second or subsequent convictions, and licence suspensions in all cases. In 2018 the government is passing new impaired driving legislation. Jason will fight for you and navigate you through this complex maze if you are facing such charges.

If you are facing such a charge, you are facing the most serious charge in the Criminal Code. If convicted, you can be facing life in prison. Jason has the knowledge and expertise to defend you in these cases thoroughly, vigorously and effectively.

Possession of small quantities of marijuana will be legal in Canada commencing in July 2018. Until then, possession continues to be a criminal offence. The possession and trafficking of many other prohibited substances such as cocaine, crack, heroine, fentanyl, ecstasy, methamphetamine, etc., can carry severe penalties, including lengthy jail terms. You need to know your rights against constitutional violations such as illegal searches, and Jason will identify those issues and fight those battles.

Defending ALL criminal charges, including:
Impaired driving, Domestic assault, Drug offences, Theft, fraud, robbery, Young offender charges, Firearms charges, Sexual offences, Murder, Homicide, Terrorism, Human Trafficking charges, etc…

Defending parents involved with the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa: Applications for supervision orders, Applications for Society wardship, Applications for Crown wardship, Status Review proceedings and Advice on Voluntary Services Agreements.

When a young person is charged criminally it is often as stressful and worrisome for parents as it is for the youth involved. As a parent, Jason understands that, and works with the family unit. But Jason’s primary obligation is to his client, the youth charged.

These can be among the most emotionally stressful charges to deal with, but are unfortunately among the most common in our criminal justice system. If charged with an offence of this nature, you will have conditions that will prohibit you from returning to your family home and from communicating with your partner and possibly even your children. Jason’s experience as both a criminal lawyer and a lawyer who deals with C.A.S. matters ensures you are getting the best advice on how to deal with these delicate and emotionally-charged situations.

We have entered an era where allegations of sexual misconduct and impropriety have taken on an entirely new significance. Some have even suggested that evidence in such cases should receive special treatment in court. Jason will defend you and your reputation fiercely and tirelessly against such allegations.

A person can be charged with driving while impaired by alcohol or a drug. There are minimum penalties for these offences that involve mandatory jail time for second or subsequent convictions, and licence suspensions in all cases. In 2018 the government is passing new impaired driving legislation. Jason will fight for you and navigate you through this complex maze if you are facing such charges.

If you are facing such a charge, you are facing the most serious charge in the Criminal Code. If convicted, you can be facing life in prison. Jason has the knowledge and expertise to defend you in these cases thoroughly, vigorously and effectively.

Possession of small quantities of marijuana will be legal in Canada commencing in October 17, 2018. Until then, possession continues to be a criminal offence. The possession and trafficking of many other prohibited substances such as cocaine, crack, heroine, fentanyl, ecstasy, methamphetamine, etc., can carry severe penalties, including lengthy jail terms. You need to know your rights against constitutional violations such as illegal searches, and Jason will identify those issues and fight those battles.
Jason Gilbert in the Media and as Legal Columnist.
Contact Jason Gilbert

Ottawa ON K1P 6A4
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